Market System Development of Safe Meat & Dairy Products Value Chain Development Sub Project under RMTP

The sub-project “Market system development of safe meat and dairy products” implemented by Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK) with the financial and technical support of Palli Karma Sahayok Foundation (PKSF) was launched through a bi-fortnight grant agreement at the office of Palli Karma Sahayok Foundation, Dhaka. The sub-project will be able to scale up resilient small scale enterprises through rural production systems and strong market linkages. It will contribute to creating an effective business environment that will strengthen the expansion of small and medium industries, linkage of value chain actors with agri-business.
Project working area: The sub-project is working in the 5 Upazilla (Bogura Sadar, Sharikandi, Gabtoli, Shajahanpur and Sherpur ) of Bogura District.
Objectives of the sub- project
- 70 percent of the project entrepreneurs will get at least 50 percent income increase and 30 percent of the project members will add nutritious food.
- The value chain of rural products will develop sustainably. 80 percent of entrepreneurs will increase the production of safe livestock related enterprises, resulting in an increase of at least 30 percent in sales of products and 20 percent in business profits.
- 90 percent of project entrepreneurs will conduct safe product manufacturing operations through quality materials, advanced technology, or best practices;
- 10 percent of the manufacturing team will acquire the ability to conduct institutional/contractual business with public or private major markets or buyers;
40 percent of members have adopted eco-friendly technologies.