Micro-Enterprise Development

- 2.92 lac enterprise loans
- BDT 2750 crore loan disbursed for enterprise development
- Entrepreneur: 1.15 lac
- Employment Created: 4 lac approx.
Agro-Machineries & Equipment

- 2.92 lac enterprise loans
- BDT 2750 crore loan disbursed for enterprise development
- Entrepreneur: 1.15 lac
- Employment Created: 4 lac approx.
Financing For Developing Furniture Market

GUK has focused on building the capacity of micro entrepreneurs related to products improvement & innovations to foster the rural economic growth of the specific cluster areas. GUK always encourages to MEs on labor intensive activities that have found in radical change on furniture sub-sector for creating a huge number of employments as well as income.
There are about 850 furniture entrepreneurs (wooden and still) have been supported by GUK during the period under report. Each furniture entrepreneur has engaged 5 to 10 workers such as cutter, designer, carpenter, finisher, painter etc. to make standard class furniture and interior design for office & home as per buyers’ needs and choice.
Hand Loom & Power Loom Factory

GUK has been financing labor intensive local cottage industries for retrieving hand& power loom sub-sector and support entrepreneurs for continuing business by using their knowledge and skills. GUK has identified hand and power loom cluster and organize them in groups and provide financial and technical support for running their inherited business with sustainability. About 2,500 entrepreneurs have been supported by GUK during the period under report. Each entrepreneur has engaged 5 to 7 workers to make different types good quality of cloths, blankets, towel/napkin, dresses per the demand and choice of the buyers.
Hand Made Crafts Production & Marketing

GUK has been developing women focused business cluster for making diverse hand-made products like pottery, bamboo made crafts, cane made furniture, wood made crafts, nakshikantha and different types of show pieces. GUK also provides backstopping support to the producers for linking with big buyers.About 1,345 entrepreneurs have been supported by GUK during the period under report. Each entrepreneur has engaged 5 to 7 workers to make different types good quality of handy crafts as per the demand and choice of the buyers.