ENRICH – Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of Poor Households towards Elimination of their Poverty

The concept of ENRICH is initiated by Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chairman of PKSF which aims to  ensure human dignity and freedom by gradually reducing poverty towards total elimination of poverty from the society in a sustainable way. GUK started implementing various components under the ENRICH program from April 2012 in Gabtoli union under Gabtoli upazilla & extended its operation in Sariakandi union under Sariakandi upazilla from July 2014 with the financial and technical assistance of PKSF & GUK’s own fund

Major Activities of ENRICH Program:

  • Primary Health Program
  • Non Formal Education Program
  • Beggar Rehabilitation Program
  • Special Savings Program
  • ENRICH Loan Products
  • Youth Development Program
  • IGA Loan
  • Asset Creation Loan
  • Livelihood Improvement Loan

Enrich Health Program:

The Health Visitors have been regularly conducting household visits to 20-25 households in a routine way for collecting health related information, selling health cards and increasing awareness on health issues. After collecting information, the Health Visitors refer patients to static clinics for receiving treatment by the Health Officer and also refer patients to satellite clinics organized at different places in a routine manner where MBBS Doctors treat patients and provide prescriptions. In case of any serious illness the patients are referred to the nearest Government hospitals for higher treatment

Enrich Education Program:

ENRICH education is a different type of education program which primarily seeks to address the problem of drop-out children from primary level education.

The main objective of ENRICH education program is to teach the school going children beyond their school hours in order to improve and sharpen their knowledge for better academic results. In total, 2,400 children are enrolled in 80 assisted learning centers and each center is run by one qualified female teacher.

Enrich Beggar Rehabilitation Program:

GUK has rehabilitated 16 beggars in Sariakandi & Gabtali Upazila under Bogura district. The rehabilitation program is being implemented by donating BDT 100,000 to each beggar through bank account check transfer for investing in feasible and manageable income generating activities. All 16 beggars were provided with Tk 100,000 each in the form of a check to undertake suitable IGAs. GUK high officials and field staffs have been closely supervising and ensuring efficient running of individual IGAs undertaken by the selected beggars and monitoring the progress of works resulting in their livelihood development.

Md. Kaium Uddin who was selected as a beggar from Dighalkandi village is now rearing his milking cows, goat and sheep along with leasing land for fodder and crop cultivation. During visit he says that he is earning handsome income by selling milk and fodder, rearing goat & sheep and passing his days with family very happily.

Enrich Special Savings Program:

Saving is one of the modern methods of capital formation for a household. An asset base is important for a household to lift from poverty. Special savings under ENRICH program for the ultra poor households, specially women headed families and disable is a really holistic attempt to foster the targeted beneficiaries economically solvent by providing equivalent amount as grant  from PKSF. So far 36 members of Gabtali and Sariakandi union have successfully completed 2 years duration of savings up to June 2018 and a total special savings amount of BDT 189,200.00 has been allotted to them as grant. 

Enrich Loan Products:

GUK has been providing 3 types of financial services to ENRICH Beneficiaries aiming to ensure better livelihood and sustainable income practices by Asset Creation Loan, Income Generating Activities Loan and Livelihood improvement Loan facilities for the targeted people.

Income Generating Activity Load (IGA) Under Enrich:

Under the Income Generating Activity (IGA)  Loan component of ENRICH Program, GUK has been providing IGA loans for undertaking income generating activities such as three wheelers CNG, auto rickshaw, agricultural inputs, mini shoe factory, power tiller, irrigation pump and other IGAs. During the period under report Tk. 71,258,000 has been disbursed among 1,807 borrowers. The cumulative disbursement amount stands Tk. 175,240,000 among 4,713 borrowers in the ENRICH Unions.

Asset Creation Load Under Enrich Program:

Under the Asset Creation Loan component of ENRICH Program, GUK has been providing Asset Creation Loan support to the ENRICH beneficiaries for taking land lease, purchasing goat, sheep or milking cow for asset creation. During the reporting period Tk. 14,141,000 has been disbursed among 654 borrowers. The cumulative disbursement stands at Tk. 32,855,000 among 1,730 borrowers.

Livelihood Improvement Load Under Enrich:

Under the Livelihood Improvement Loan component of ENRICH Program, GUK has been providing Livelihood Improvement (LI) loan support to the beneficiaries for purchasing and installation of tube-wells, sanitary latrines, televisions, bi-cycles and various home appliances in order to improve the social status of their livelihoods. During the reporting period GUK disbursed Tk. 3,270,000 among 346 borrowers in the working unions. The cumulative disbursement stands Tk. 11,491,000 among 1224 borrowers